Raise my F&I Gross
Raise my F&I Gross
Posted on: October 29, 2019

DealerPolicy's Insider Guide to the Industry Summit

DealerPolicy is sponsoring 2019's Industry Summit! From November 4th to 6th, our team will be attending this annual finance and insurance conference that covers topics ranging from the changing landscape of F&I sales and margins, to compliance and operational efficiency in dealership finance, to maximizing sales through a well-oiled F&I department.

We’ll be sponsoring the networking break on November 5th, so look for us there!

We've thought carefully about where to best spend our days at this year's finance and insurance conference — here are some events and sessions we're sure to attend:

  1. 'What's New In The World of F&I Reinsurance' Monday, November 4th at 2:00pm

Join Kerper and Bowron LLC Founders Lee Bowron and John Kerper to learn about the latest developments and trends impacting F&I reinsurance and other participation programs.

They'll cover dealer participation, Dealer Owned Warranty Companies as well as foreign and domestic reinsurance. The session will also examine how legal and accounting regulations as well as product trends could impact reinsurance programs.

We're excited to be closely involved with the development and conversations around tomorrow's in-store insurance trends.

  1. Technology Challenge Tuesday, November 5th at 2:00pm

Impactful summits like this year's Industry Summit give visitors a sneak peek at tomorrow's innovations in F&I. It's not often that we get a fast-paced, consolidated preview into innovative solutions that might change the F&I landscape. That's why we're sure to be at Tuesday's Technology Challenge, where 10 of the industry's leading technology providers will walk the audience through the new solutions they're bringing to market.

To keep the group engaged and collect expert feedback, attendees can cast a vote for their favorite presentation and vendor. Summit leaders will announce the winning presentation at the Industry Summit Honors on Wednesday.

  1. '3 Ways To Improve Your Process And Sell More F&I' Wednesday, November 6th at 10:55am

This subject lines up perfectly with our company mission, and remains an enormous, untapped opportunity for F&I leaders around the country. Presenter Bob Lettis will cover a proven, three-pronged approach for implementing and enforcing a front-end process that's guaranteed to reduce the friction standing between dealerships and increased F&I revenue.

A huge part of this friction is simply due to unaware, uninterested car buyers when it comes to selling insurance. That's why we're excited to meet and connect with other platforms and vendors who share our vision and customer base, and to hear Mr. Lettis' take on plays that actually drive lasting, scalable improvements in F&I.

Why We'll Be There

Beyond the exciting opportunities to see new solutions, meet like-minded innovators and learn from leaders about the changing landscape of F&I, we're headed to the annual finance and insurance conference to spread the word and hear expert feedback about our unique approach to solving for today's F&I challenges.

We're the only vendor on the market using insurance to bring savings to customers and revenue to dealerships. Our core vision aligns perfectly with F&I professionals who are increasingly aware of F&I’s crucial role in offsetting shrinking profit margins and are looking to increase their customers budgets to better serve them.

We're headed to Industry Summit to show the market that there's a new way to unlock new, predictable revenue while saving your customers money — by seamlessly bringing insurance savings into the car-buying journey at the right moment.

Want to join us at Industry Summit? Click here for a breakdown of events and attendance details.

See you there!

Topic(s): F&I

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